Jan 25, 2013

Heres to hair

Okay so recently I've gotten my hair trimmed...then trimmed again...yeah i got a little bit bored with the old style i had......ok here's how it went down:

I had medium-ish long hair. a couple inches past my shoulder. Then i took about 3 inches off....then a couple weeks later i chopped it off!! hahaha its now about 2 inches past my chin now....but no layers.

**this following paragraph contains info mostly for girls with naturally straight or light waved hair**
Short hair without layers is easy to handle but not always what you want. When you want it straight it looks great but when you want to curl don't expect a wondrous head of cute small curls. They will still be cute but relatively flat and plain, but don't worry I'm still adorable!!! haha any who..

**For curls**
Well. one thing is if you have curly hair you probably already have layers but if you don't, no matter what cut, its important to have!!! I'm sure you heard that before....if you haven't there you go!  Although this is especially important if you have short hair! It looks SO much better! It gives that little ''ummmphh'' to your hair.

Now to talk about the right style for you!

First; what do you like most and least about your current situation. Color, length, curly, wavy, straight, you know stuff like that.

Second; what are looking for in a haircut? Or color or perm or something...
Do you what a different color or length that you've been thinking about for a while? I thought about cutting for a while then i woke up and said, ''im cutting it!'' I mean hair grows right?

Third; talk about it!! Sometimes its good to surprise people. Like with color or straightening your hair when you have natural curl or stuff like that but when you aren't sure about a hairy decision than talk to your peeps, sometimes other's opinions are valid.

With all this said and ,assumed, thought you had with all of this...what is your next hair style?  Here are some pictures i hope will really get you thinking!

Well lets take a minute to talk about a few more things...

Head shape and the style for it; consider your head. what shape is it? round? square? narrow? oval? rectangle? triangle? rhombus?..jk jk hhahaha well any who...shapes of head matter.....like round faces go amazing with short hair and narrow faces go great with long hair.medium hair for more square heads but square heads can also pull off short hair.

Official steps to hair changing decisions

1. look at your options [ cuts or colors ]
2. think about your personality and how your hair will best represent it.
3. analyze your hair as it is and be sure you want to change.
4. talk it over with someone.
5. *if cutting....trim of a little at a time and see how you feel
6. *if coloring....get streaks with your desired color.....

Remember that if you cut it, hair grows!!! don't worry!! If you color it...color fades or in a month or two you can redye....and if your getting a perm, well you'll figure that out.

The Denial stage

Now lets not deny we all go through that denial stage after a hair change. For instance, does this sound familiar? ''Ummm yeah so...i hate it. I look like a freak...ugh!!!'' Yes well I know I've said it...I've changed my hair about a billion times and i plan on changing it a billion more! But don't worry. If you cut off some hair...CALM DOWN HAIR GROWS!!!!!!! If your coloring....CALM DOWN COLOR FADES!! Just remember your still beautiful no matter what!

                                                                                     Oh yeah your welcome,
                                                                                                        Pink Passion<3

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