Jun 17, 2012

Shoe Problems

Some people have phobias, obsessions, and depressions.  Are you the kind of girl with one of these against shoes?

                                  Shoes are a necessity, but they are also an addiction for some people.  I've heard of people having to go to therapy for addictions, but for shoes. I love shoes and if I was a billionaire I'd own every high heel known to man. I promise! If i had money to blow I'd be in a theraputic office with a bald guy right now. I can see it now; So how is your shoe collection miss? Are you having a hard time selling them? Do you dream about them?       My ''collection'' is fine...No, becuase I'm not selling them and you can't make me......No!..well...No!! Believe or not many people have addictions and obsessions like this over shoes. Different types though. One girl could only like sandals another could only like heels or high tops, sneakers, flats, flip-flops, or any other kind. My point really is that there are some crazy people out there.
                                  Now some people  have shoe phobias. It sounds stupid and weird right? Well it kinda is...  But anyways, guys and girls have problems with shoes. It could be caused by anything. Like this; A girl bought her first pair of little girl heels when she was 7, then she fell in them and never wore anything with any kind of heel again. Heelphobia. Okay i made that up for an example but you get it right?
                                  Depressions. This is when you can't afford shoes but your madly in love with them. These are the people that have shoe addictions/obsessions but don't really have enough finance to cover it. I honestly feel deeply for these people. If I was in their shoes [no pun intended] i would cry everyday for an hour or two. I'm serious. You know i don't even know if i've ever met a full on shoe depressee. But i'm sure they're out there.

                                 If you have one of these problems please get some sort of help if you don't already.

                                                                                                Pink Passion<3

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